Working For You to Unlock Hidden Potential in Pump and Rotating Equipment Reliability
Condition Monitoring without the need for New Sensors
True Digital Transformation for Pumps and Rotating Equipment
Accessible and Usable Data Analytics Developed by Mechanical Engineers for All End Users
Reliabix Analytics is a remote pump reliability analytics company with site based capability, that specializes in empowering operators of industrial pumps and rotating equipment with the insights they need to improve reliability, up-time, energy savings, cost savings, preventative maintenance, proactive maintenance, planned maintenance, planned shutdowns, and production improvements. Our goal is to help industrial organizations achieve their full potential by unlocking hidden data that is not currently providing any value to the organization, expand on ways to use that data, and turn it into actionable insights that drive meaningful improvements.
Only about 0.1% of generated data is actually analyzed. Companies can lose 20-35% of their revenue from poor data. At Reliabix, we see this happen on a daily basis, we make
your poor data great, and put it to work
Traditionally, Bad Actors are identified after multiple failures that cost you money. Ai Machine Learning often needs multiple failures to "Learn". With Reliabix, we already know! Issues are identified immediately, allowing changes to be made to prevent cost impacts before it is too late
Turn even a single thread of data into multiple important variables that
allow you to improve reliability, efficiency, production, predict the
future realistically and achieve specific cost savings
Changes in operation can occur in one part of the plant, that then has a knock-on effect to other areas. How would maintenance know if the risk of unplanned failure has increased due to a process change 2 months ago. At Reliabix Analytics, these changes are identified for the relevant stakeholders in a format that they understand.
Assets at risk are identified before they fail and risk mitigation can be
prepared well in advance. All assets have custom KPI’s established, and deviations are highlighted in a format that your normal procedures. No Machine Learning Needed
Setting budgets and manpower often comes from experience of site teams. At Reliabix, we leverage the existing historical data to assess where the machine is along its lifecycle and forecast KPI's that provide remaining life, risk and other factors to help your team better plan your budget
Sample Our Services
4 hr
1,800 US dollars8 hr
3,000 US dollars